As I sit here looking out at the dreary day, it would be easy to let the weather sour my attitude for the day. But, I am not the day and it is up to me to determinate from what perspective I view the world around me. We slept in late this morning as seems to be the new norm; by the time I was up and dressed, it was after 10. Marilyn was up and sitting in front of the fireplace. The indoor thermometer was reading 73 and it felt hot to me. Marilyn was obviously quite comfortable so rather than turn off the fireplace, I put on a sweatshirt and headed outside under the shelter. It was a crisp fifty something and there was a gentle rain. I was comfortable and I realized just how lucky I was to be here with someone I loved. The rain was no longer an annoyance but rather a comforting pitter patter on the tent roof. It was a relaxing, mesmerizing backdrop that took me back to my early days of camping in the rain. And while it reminded me of how uncomfortable it was, I also remember the satisfaction of being able to conquer the weather with tarps and a catalytic heater under the picnic table. I remember managing to get a fire started and keeping it going even in a light rain. I was proud of my skillset. I was in a competition with Nature and I was winning, not because I was more formidable, but because I would not give up. I was able to fight my way up stream! This morning, was not like that. Yes, I had all the comforts of a combination of awnings and a tent-shelter to shield me from the falling rain, but today, as I sat in my slightly damp folding chair, I felt one with Nature, not one standing in defiance of Nature. A gentle breeze misted my face, it was cooling but also invigorating. It seems to me that we spend most of our lives in a competition against Nature and our own brothers as if the purpose of life is to get ahead. But the reality is that we are all leaves on the same tree. There is no winning against ourselves.
One can’t strive to be happy. Happiness is not a destination but rather a state of being. Happy and loving is our spirit’s natural state. It is precipitated by our connection with all living things. Love is the glue that holds us together. True happiness is the realization that while we are but an infinitely small part of the all encompassing energy of life, life/God would not be complete without us! Quit trying to swim up stream, just relax, and let Spirit take you where you belong and enjoy the ride!
Love and Light
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