My first post on this blog was in January of 2021, but I created the website name ( URL ) before that. If you have had the opportunity to register a URL, you know that common names have been registered long ago. I tried many combinations of names and numbers and letters. Trying to use Marilyn’s and my initials in some kind of combination seemed appropriate. After many trials and rejections, I thought about our nick names “Lany” and “Lyn.” From this came the Lx2 or L times 2. I like to think that much of my inspiration is just that, inspiration not creative thinking. I designed a logo around the double “L.” It wasn’t until recently that I realized the double “L” was nothing about our names. It referred to my two-word salutation, “Love and Light.” So often, our conscious thought gets in the way of spiritual inspiration. That was the case of the website name. Now I know and so do you.
Love and Light,

I’m Dulany and this is Marilyn. We share a bond that goes back many lifetimes. In this life we both found ourselves caregivers to spouses of 50 years. Both made their transition from this life existence in 2018. Marilyn and I came together almost by chance to share experiences and help each other through our grieving. Little did we know how quickly we would find ourselves sharing so much more. When one door closes, somewhere another opens, but it is up to us to walk through that door. We both did walk through that door, and found ourselves together in a somehow familiar room. Love was quick to grow and we are eager to share our time together with you in hopes that you too can find that new room in this house we call life. While we both have strong political views, this is a politics free zone. Come join us on our adventures!
Who is Dulany?
Touch or hover here to find out.Hi! I am Dulany
My name is Dulany and I never did like nicknames so I go by Dulany but I answer to almost anything. My wife of 50 years, Pat, often called me “Shit head”. She passed away in 2018 from metastatic breast cancer. We made the most of those last 5 years, doing what she loved to do most, TRAVEL!While she was able to be released from these Earthly bonds, I was left alone. At 72, I didn’t expect to ever have another relationship. When you marry your high school sweetheart, and spend 50 years with her, the expectation of finding anyone else with whom to share one’s life is somewhat unrealistic, but life has a way of knowing what you need and providing it. I like to think Pat had something to do with it. A casual internet comment led to a “date.” The rest is history! It didn’t take long for me to realize Marilyn was more than a casual date. I felt like we were old soul mates from a long distant pass. The key word here is old! I won’t say it is starting a new life in my 70’s but it certainly is a new chapter. With this internet presence, we plan to show how we are making the most of this life together. Who knows how many pages in this chapter of life, but we plan to make the most of each one. Join us on our adventure as we navigate the world in these Golden Years!
Who is Marilyn?
Touch or hover here to find out.Hi! I'm Marilyn
– the other half of this dynamic duo. I’m also known as Mom, Memaw and Lyn. I’m a former English teacher who doesn’t proof read as well as I previously did. So, please don’t be too critical. In my previous life I was married 45+ years to Jim Gardner – a former wrestling and football coach – history and PE teacher who did not fit the “dumb jock” mold at all. In 2008, Jim became a paraplegic due to a spinal abscess. I was his only caretaker by choice, not necessity, until he passed in 2018. Along the way, dementia set in which only added to our stress.Dulany and I have caretaking, photography, Butler Elementary and Springfield High School in common along with things we are still discovering about one another. And what fun that is! I tend to think he drug me fighting, kicking, and screaming into this awesome relationship, but I will be forever grateful. After I read this to him, he said he’s not sure which of us resisted most! I expected to spend the rest of my days doing things with family and “the girls.” Being in another relationship was not anything I even considered. I was so WRONG, and I am so HAPPY to be able to say that. We intend to have as many adventures as possible in the years we have left. You are welcome to join us!