It is hard to believe we have been enjoying the Florida sun for two and a half months now, but we have; now it is time to start heading north. It was our intention to stay here until the end of March and slowly head north as the weather allowed. Two outside influences forced changes to that plan.

1) Most importantly, is Krystal’s upcoming wedding on March 21st
2) Marilyn has an appointment to get her first Covid shot March 19th
The wedding has been a part of the plan for some time, and we knew we were going to have to cut the snowbirding back about a week. We were good with that. The plan was to get Covid shots here before heading north. But, you know about the best laid plans. The residency requirement vacillated back and forth as Florida tried to deal with the temporary residents. We were included then we were not. Finally, they decided to allow shots for those who could prove their temporary residency with a lease/rental agreement and utility bill. We had those as we had established a cable connection for internet. We added our names to the list, but as time passed waiting for our turn to schedule, we realized we no longer had time to get both 1st and 2nd shots before leaving to be home for wedding. By the time the call came in to get an appointment, we had to relinquish our time slot to someone else. After moving on to plan B, getting the shots in Springfield, we got on the Springfield Clinic list to be scheduled for shots. While waiting for that call, we learned about an on-line Sangamon County registration that had time slots. Marilyn somehow logged in at the perfect time and after picking a time slot for late March, was given an earlier slot for the 19th. I was not so lucky, I got the 29th. If Springfield Clinic calls with an earlier slot, I will take it, otherwise I still have an appointment the end of the month.
So, here we are trying to get in those last few “things to do” before we head out Monday. I refreshed my aging T shirt wardrobe with new Crystal River shirts as did Marilyn. I am slowly organizing stuff to put away for the trip. We have exchanged addresses with newly acquired friends and said our good-byes. We have planned a couple more dinners out before we leave; otherwise, I think we are ready to start packing. After we return our cable modem to Spectrum on Monday, we will hitch up and head out for our first night on the road in Dotham, AL.
Plans are for an earlier return next year in November. With Covid pushed to the back burner, we plan to do a lot more traveling about the state next winter. Our new reservation is for six months. We will bring the trailer in November, but go back up north for at least a part of the holidays. Our return here after the holidays, will be in “RT” our camper van. This will give us much more freedom to travel around the state in our mini-house on wheels. It will be easier to visit friends and driveway camp. This also gives us a guest house for family visitors. We think it will be a win-win situation. Each day brings new adventures and once Covid is not so restrictive, those adventures can be more open and enjoyable.
As I continue to work out the bugs on this web-based platform for sharing our adventures, you will find more blog posts and fewer facebook posts. If you want to continue seeing these posts, get on my contacts’ email list. I will send a link to you each time Marilyn or I post here. Just comment at the end of any post, “notify me of any future posts.”
Here a a few wildlife pictures from Payne’s Prairie State Park near Gainesville, FL
Love and Light,
Karen Hart
March 13, 2021 9:37 pmKeep me informed of all updates please