Here I am sitting at the dining room table and Lyn is just across the room on her I-Pad. After years of “go! go! go!” I can finally relax and not feel like a deadbeat. I can’t begin to tell you how freeing that is. As Lyn and I took our morning walk around the campground, we found a wooden swing just calling out our names. We could not resist the call and found ourselves swinging away, side by side, our hands gently caressing each other. This is what life should be about. We have paid our dues with many years of hard work and now, we are able to enjoy the years we have left together. Work is the means, not the end. The fact that we are enjoying the warmth of the Florida sunshine, makes this acceptance of our ability to actually relax, much easier to accept.

As you might recall from our FaceBook postings, our first attempt at getting away in the new camper was not completely successful; but, we made the most of it and set out again after repairs. The second try was much better; but, the weather was cold and rainy. There was even a light snow-cover one morning. Again, we made the most of it and had a wonderful time exploring Devil’s Lake S.P. in Wisconsin. As we headed out of town this time, the day before New Year’s eve, we were constantly driving in rain. You might think that this would dull our excitement but when a semi passed us dropping ice off the top of the trailer, we knew we were headed in the right direction. Snow and freezing rain was close on our heels; but, we were lucky it wasn’t proceeding us. As the miles piled up, the temperatures did also and before the daylight had passed, we were in shirt-sleeves. The first night at Chickasaw Sate Park was a welcome respite from the rain; at least while we were setting up! About the time I was all leveled, it let loose again and we enjoyed hot dogs cooked inside while we contemplated our adventures to come.
The next day’s drive was a long one. In my youth, an 800 mile drive was a norm for at least one of the “heading out” days; but youth, like the highway in the rearview camera, slowly passes out of sight. At this time in my life, 300 miles is a good day’s drive. New Year’s Eve day we drove over 800 miles down to Tallassee, Florida. The reward of palm trees and warm breezes made the drive well worth the effort. We would be starting the new year in Florida. So, on New Years Day, we pulled this 38 ft long house on wheels into the camp resort in Crystal River Florida. While the drive down was an adventure testing my long-rig driving skills, the real adventure started once we were disconnected and enjoying our new reality.
Our adventure together started almost 2 years ago and we have gone back and forth from being together on trips to maintaining twin residences while at home. Almost every morning, we get up, and enjoy a morning conversation over coffee and my Diet Coke. Then I head home to have alone time with my computer and home projects. Marilyn feels the same freedom at her house. Starting 2021, we will spend the next 3 months together 24/7. I look forward to each day and I think by the end of this winter, it will be hard for me to “go home” in the morning. With the “early seventies” behind us, we have realized that we want to look forward to the Golden Years together. If three months together in about 336 sq ft does not put out the fire, we should be good for what time we have left.
We will be sharing this time with you to let you know that it is never too late to start over or just hit the reset button on life and reboot to a new OS. Love is not age related; it is the only real constant in a changing world. Let’s all make 2021 the new beginning to a new world of peace and cooperation; where all people form the single family of man. Bless you all. Love and Light.
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